Articles Posted in May, 2013

New Site Indexes Contracts from SEC Database


A website launched yesterday claims to be the largest freely searchable database of contracts extracted from the SEC’s EDGAR database. Called Law Insider, it says that it has indexed and made searchable more than 250,000 contracts, ranging from business loan agreements to employment agreements to redemption agreements.

Contracts can be searched…

Five Tips for Starting Your Own Blog


If you’re planning to launch a blog, you can take either of two routes to get there. One is to pay someone to start it for you. The other is to be a skinflint like me and do it yourself. The do-it-yourself route is surprisingly easy and can result in a blog every bit as…

Create a Legal Archive of Websites and Social Media


This dashboard view shows recent captures from my Twitter feed.

The popular notion of the Web and social media is that, once something’s out there, it will never disappear. The truth, however, is that much of what exists on the Web and social media is fleeting and constantly changing. The website or…

Five Blogging Mistakes You Can Easily Fix


I read a lot of blogs. I am often impressed by the quality of the posts. Many lawyers consistently write thoughtful, insightful posts about their practices and interests. Even so, I often notice simple mistakes in lawyers’ blogs that can detract from their ability to build readership. Here are five common mistakes that you can…