Articles Tagged with Rocket Matter

Rocket Matter is Now Integrated with Dropbox


Rocket Matter, the Web-based legal practice management and time-and-billing application, today announced its integration with Dropbox, an Internet document backup and synchronization service that is gaining popularity within the legal community.

The integration enables Rocket Matter users to associate client matters with Dropbox folders, allowing them to view documents associated with a…

The Best Feedreader is Now Free


I tried a number of feed readers over the years (for reading RSS feeds from blogs and news outlets) and was never happier than when I discovered FeedDemon. Now, FeedDemon’s maker, NewsGator, has taken the price tag off FeedDemon and its suite of RSS readers for Windows, Mac and mobile devices, offering…

Redesigned VersusLaw


Not long after its 1995 launch, Web research service VersusLaw adopted the slogan, “Revolutionizing the way America does law.” This was no exaggerated boast. In an era when online legal research still required expensive and cumbersome dial-up access to Westlaw and Lexis-Nexis, VersusLaw pioneered use of the Web to offer lawyers an…