Startup Alley: Litigaze


Elevator Pitch: Litigaze is a modern software platform that enables litigation teams to better understand, communicate and evaluate litigation risk and uncertainty, using a combination of visualization and quantification techniques based on decision science. Using Litigaze, lawyers can stop giving vague and unhelpful “it depends” responses and start showing their clients exactly what they think litigation prospects really look like in granular and numeric detail.

What makes you unique or innovative? Litigaze is different from many other legal tech tools in that it deliberately does NOT use AI/ML or automation. Litigaze’s tools have been developed by litigators, for litigators to use in complex litigation situations, and are the subject of multiple international pending patent applications.

What problem do you solve? Litigaze helps lawyers simultaneously solve the problems of understanding, communicating and evaluating litigation risk and uncertainty, which in turn empowers their clients to make smarter and more confident litigation decisions, like when to settle a case.

Your competitors? Eperoto, SettleIndex, TreeAge

Demo video: (password: 88c61d382423449582a77477e6d8b7ea)

Founded: 1/1/2021, Melbourne, Australia

Target customer. Small/large firms and corporate legal teams who run and manage litigation.

Price.  Approx $50 per user per month

Expected 2022/2023 gross revenue? Less than $1M/Less than $1M

Number of users/paying customers? < 100/21 – 50

Traction to date. Our user/customer base is diverse including: large firms (including Osler in Canada), individual US-based mediators, small/medium Australian firms and the in-house IP team at a UK-based multinational pharmaceutical company.

Plan for growth over next five years. We plan to grow organically adopting a bootstrapped model (although we remain open to discussion with external investors). Our main lead generation comes from word-of-mouth referrals by existing customers.

Outside funding. No outside funding.

Describe any ways in which your company is diverse or promotes diversity. While we have only a small team, we promote hiring freelance developers from diverse backgrounds. In one case, one of our eastern-European developers had to relocate when war in Ukraine started, and we provided financial support during this time. Happy to report that this team member remains a valued Litigazor partner and has been with us for >2years and counting.