Articles Tagged with Lawyer2Lawyer

Podcast: Has the Promise of Gideon v. Wainwright Been Fulfilled?


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In this week’s Lawyer2Lawyer, we consider the promise and reality of the right to counsel, 51 years after the Supreme Court’s landmark decision, Gideon v. Wainwright. Specifically, we look at public defenders in…

Podcast: Should Revenge Porn Be A Crime?


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In our last episode of the legal-affairs podcast Lawyer2Lawyer, we spoke to two activists urging federal and state laws to make revenge porn a crime. This week, we follow-up with two guests who believe such laws would…

Podcast: The Legal Issues Surrounding Bitcoin


Cyber currency Bitcoin has seen an exponential rise in value and popularity since its inception in 2010. Consider this: If you had bought $1,000 worth of Bitcoins in 2010, it would be worth $2.4 million dollars today. But as Bitcoin gains wider mainstream use, it is surrounded by a host of legal questions. In…

Podcast: The Legal Turbulence Facing Amazon’s Drones


News of Amazon’s plans to use delivery drones surprised many, but the fact is that a number of companies are developing drones for commercial uses. However, before any of these commercial drones can take flight, they need to clear a series of legal hurdles, from winning FAA approval to sorting out liability and privacy issues.…