Articles Posted in February, 2003

Daubert Tool Lets Lawyers Track Expert’s History


I have just finished writing a column about a new Web tool that every trial lawyer who uses expert witnesses should look at. I cannot post the entire column until it appears in print, but I can offer a preview.

As any trial lawyer will tell you, getting expert testimony admitted has been tougher since…

News: Feds shut down suspicious .gov site


Declan McCullagh reports on ZDNet that the Bush administration has pulled the plug on a .gov Web site pending an investigation into the authenticity of the organization that controlled it. The site,, called itself the Access One Network Northwest, and was supposedly a cyberwarfare unit supported by the U.S. Department of Defense. But…

[Offbeat] Who does Google think I am?


Who does Google think I am? Well, according to Googlism, an amusing tool that helps you see what Google “thinks” about a particular topic or person:

ambrogi is an accomplished lawyer

ambrogi is a former catholic priest

ambrogi is the chief prosecutor of suspected criminals

Lawyer gets a kick out of karate law


Fairfax, Va., solo David Z. Kaufman may have the only Web site devoted to martial arts law, A sixth-degree black belt, Kaufman counsels karate instructors and students on liability, contracts and a host of related issues. He also serves as an expert witness in cases involving the martial arts. I was ready to…

‘Site Manager’ simplifies Web site upkeep


A product introduced to the legal market at the recent LegalTech in New York takes an almost blog-like approach to Web site management, making it easy for lawyers with no knowledge of HTML to create and modify pages on their Web sites, much as blogging tools make it easy to update pages without coding.…